Walking Update – Week 21, 2016

Following you will find an update on my walking statistics for week 21 of 2016. The update covers the dates Monday 23rd of May to Sunday 29th of May.

Step Data

Monday 17,422 15,000
Tuesday 15,200 15,000
Wednesday 20,142 15,000
Thursday 16,917 15,000
Friday 17,228 15,000
Saturday 15,499 15,000
Sunday 19,143 15,000
Total121,551 105,000

Stepping Numbers

I am a bit of a numbers geek at times, so of course, I like to look a little closer at some of the numbers behind the individual days.

First up is the highest day for the week which was Wednesday with a total of 20,142 steps. While the lowest day was Tuesday with a total of 15,200 steps.

I hit my daily step goal a total of 7 times this week and walked a total of 121,551 steps. Giving me an average of 17,364 steps per day across the week. With my steps this week that gives me 2,686,655 steps for the year to date.

This Time Last Year

Looking back to Week 21 of 2015, following are some of the step numbers for comparison. I walked a total of 66,750 steps with an average of 9,534 steps per day. The highest day was 10,545 and the lowest day was 8,545. To read more check out Walking Update – Week 21, 2015.

Other Thoughts

After talking about making comparisons with the previous year last week, I have a somewhat interesting and slightly disappointing one this week. This week the total steps walked last year is almost half of what it is for this year. Although this did happen on one other week (week 12) is it the first week where I had full step data for both weeks. Hopefully, I don’t get quite that low again for the whole week steps.

The streak to walk 15,000 steps a day for a whole year is still going well. So far I am up to 312 days in a row, closing in on that one year mark.

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